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Things To Know About Corneal Reshaping Treatment


Many people suffering from myopia or short-sightedness, and you can find various treatment procedures for myopia. Researchers have so far found out the best non- surgical approach. It is nothing but orthokeratology commonly known as ortho k. If you are not aware of this corneal reshaping treatment, let us discuss it and the benefits that one can get.

What Is Corneal Reshaping Treatment?

Orthokeratology is known as corneal reshaping treatment where doctor can use specially designed gas permeable contact lenses. You need to wear such lenses overnight and the lenses will reshape your cornea automatically. You can see clearly day after and you can remove the lenses before you leavening your home.

  1. Orthokeratology or corneal reshaping treatment can be provided to the patients suffering from reflective errorsm nearsightedness, hyperopia and presbuopia.

  2. Doctor can suggest such treatments for your children who have myopia.

The Techniques Of Corneal Reshaping Treatment:

Corneal reshaping treatment is nothing but a therapeutic process where specialized lenses are inserted in the cornea so that it flattens it and give clear vision to the sufferer. The process involves using reverse geometry lenses. As these lenses are embedded in the eye between the corneal walls, it reshapes the cornea so that any object can be correctly focused. The light is refracted through the reshaped cornea, and a clear image is created on the retina.

The duration of corneal reshaping treatment:

Although the corneal reshaping treatment helps to have a clear vision, but the effects are not permanent and last only for few days. The lenses are worn at bedtime and taken out after waking up. During the sleeping period, the lens flattens the cornea. As one wakes up, the lenses are taken out. The person can see clear images without wearing spectacles or any other type of contact lens. But the cornea gradually returns to its original shape due to the hydraulic pressure. Therefore the corneal reshaping treatment is temporary and not a permanent solution.

What are the benefits of corneal reshaping treatment?

  1. The corneal reshaping process involves wearing a select type of therapeutic lenses. They are commonly known as retainers. One cannot wear them permanently but for a limited period. However, during the process of treating myopia in persons improves considerably. There is no significant side effects of this type of treatment and is completely done in a non-surgical way.

  2. Again the duration of not sing spectacles and other contact lenses vary from patient to patient. It depends on the conditions of the eyes, the age of the patient, the quality and quantity of tear, and other eye problems. The doctor goes for an eye mapping using the latest computerized topography machine and specialized software. Then the retainer lenses are recommended.

  3. With the corneal reshaping treatment, one can avoid wearing spectacles or other lenses at least for some days. It is not only beneficial to people suffering from nearsightedness. It also helps patients to improve the conditions of astigmatism. With the development of medical science and continuous research, retainer lenses for farsightedness are also being developed.

The Working Principle

As the retainers are inserted between the corneal walls during the treatment, they hydrate one part of the eye and dehydrate the other part. It helps to flatten or reshape the cornea so that light can be reached through them correctly to the retina that is on the back of the eye and make a clear image. The trapped tear and the fluid acts as a lens, and here is no need to wear any other contact lens or spectacles at least for a few days.

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