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How to Install Solid Wood Flooring Boards?


Installing solid wood flooring can easily be done as a DIY (do it yourself) job, but in this fast forward and hectic life, no one has the time to get into this all by themselves. If you are interested in hiring someone to do the job for you, you can either contact a renowned builder or get in touch with a carpenter to get the work done as per your standards of perfection.

You can also get recommendations from the suppliers to get the work done by specialist floor service providers. They offer services at affordable rates and give a guarantee as well. When the selected wooden flooring arrives at your place, you need to let it get accustomed to the environment before it is layered and installed. Some of the solid wooden floorings should be kept in their packages itself when they arrive, but others can be removed.

You can talk to your supplier for more information in this regard. Your supplier can also help you with the information on what exact duration of time, you should actually leave them. There are a few types of floorings that need 24 hours, whereas some can take a little longer to acclimatize. When you install solid timber floorboards, it is ideal to install it in a fixed method.

The solid timber floorboards have a high tendency towards movement and may also require fixing it to the subflooring, in order to avoid frequent problems from occurring again and again. You have some options to protect your natural flooring as well. You can install it to concrete or make it to the adjacent floor joists or make it a complete timber flooring surface. The choice is yours.

Fixing the solid wood floors to timber flooring

Nailing the solid timber floorboards is a convenient option. Though it is effective to install the new floorboards at 90-degree angle towards the old surface, it is not that important. It is imperative if the nailing is done straight to the joists. You will certainly fix solid wood flooring boards to other sub-boards however; underlying it is not a good idea.

Before getting started with the work, you need to remove the skirting boards if you want to get the best finish work. However, some homeowners consider using skirting in the exact place and utilize the quadrant beading as well to cover the small spaces between the skirting and floor. This method, however, does not ensure a polished work.

Step by step process of installing solid timber flooring

  1. You must acclimatize the boards and make your mind as to which direction you want the boards to get installed. If you want to fix the boards directly on the floor, you must run it around 90-degree angle and remove any inward-opening doors on that particular place.

  2. Make sure to remove any skirting boards with the help of a crowbar and vacuum the subfloor properly to remove any dust particles.

  3. Place the plastic material spacers towards the longest walls that are straight as well. Attach the first section of solid timber floorboards. If your boards are with tongue and groove edges, make sure that the groove is faced towards the wall side and begin with the corner. You can install them with either nail or glue, depending on how you want the fixing of the boards to be done.

  4. Laying the second timer flooring board row should be done by beginning with the section, cut-off the board towards the end of the floor. You need to stagger the end joints of the adjacent rows by at least 30 cm.

Now, fit the solid timber floorboards into a position and make sure to fix the cut-off piece of the wood behind the pipe with the help of a glue. When you are fixing the last row of installing timber boards, you will have to cut it along the board’s length and measure the space between the boards and the wall. You can refit the old skirting or get a new one.

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