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Contact Lenses –Creating Better And More Convenient Vision


A boon of technology contact lenses advent has led to better and more convenient lives for many. The need to carry spectacles around and more importantly the trouble of forgetting them every- where has been significantly removed by the use of lenses. They are not just easy to use but provide a full field view with stable vision. An optometrist is the exact person you need to consult.

They will provide you with better information as to what kind of lens or of what other criteria should the lens be.

# 1. Finding the Perfect Pair

When your vision starts showing some issues and the need to go for contact lenses crops up, it is here that the quest of finding the right pair begins. There are so many options available that it is best to visit a good lens store which has all varieties and an in-house optical doctor to guide you regarding their use and necessary precautions.

  1. According to the doctor’s prescription or one’s own preference the choice of lenses can be made. A good choice can be a hard lens which provide sharp vision and are firm in their shape. They do not interfere with oxygen flow in your eye. The eyes are duly protected and also nourished at the same time.

  2. Another popular variety is the soft lenses. They are very comfortable and convenient to wear. Some varieties of soft lenses are meant for single use and are called disposable lenses, while other last for longer period.

  3. Extended wear contact lenses, as the name suggests is a blessing for those who do not want to go through the rigorous routine of removing lenses in the night. These pieces can be worn for a longer period without removing.

  4. Fashion has its footing in almost everything and contacts are no exception to it. Colored contacts can cut a pretty picture for you, by providing you with varying eye colors.

  5. Another very useful type of lenses is the bandage lenses. They are basically used when the cornea needs protection after an injury.

A good lens store will have all the option available for an individual to make the most appropriate choices. It is always good to visit a reliable place which deals in branded products because eye health is very crucial.

# 2. Precautions to Follow

Just getting your hands on the perfect pair which looks and feels pretty is not sufficient. A pair of contact lenses comes with a lot of added responsibility; the inability to follow these points can cause serious issues in the eye.

  1. Let a qualified eye doctor put and gauge the effectiveness of lens which you plan to buy. They will also be able to guide you better about precautions to be taken.

  2. Buy proper lens cleaning and disinfecting solution. Saline water is no replacement for a chemical lens solution, as they help in proper disinfection of all the germs the lenses are prone to.

  3. Get a lens case to store your contact lenses. Keeping them callously can expose them to a plethora of infections which can then make their way into the eyes, so be very careful.

  4. The use of disposable lenses should not be stretched beyond the time frame mentioned on the packages. They have short life and can be hazardous to eyes after that period.

  5. Finally maintain hygiene by washing hands every time one touches the contacts. Removing them before sleeping and keeping them in the disinfecting solution can help in preventing eye troubles. It also increases the life of lens you are using.

Contact lenses can be a very good alternative to spectacles and can make you conveniently indulge in sports activity without the fear of any breakage. They are excellent options for a good and all round view with maximum comfort, but need a careful and a judicious buy from a reputable and equipped store. They give clear vision experience that can actually enhance the living experience of a defected eye person.

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